Save to Study at University! Enhance your CV! Earn in your GAP year!
Earn & Save for University!

Save to Study at University! Enhance your CV! Earn in your GAP year!
No Experience Necessary. Full Training Provided.
I am a totally dependent paralysed man who needs to employ between 2 and 4 non-smoking live-in carers to allow me to live independently in the community. I live with my wife near London.
My Carers need to speak English well and:
My team of 4 carers/PAs work and care for me to enable me to live independently in the community. Two carers currently work 2 days on and 2 days off duty, but I am open to other arrangements. My on duty carers are on call 24/7. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to look after a totally dependent paralysed man in a kind, patient and flexible manner.
Full training is provided by previous carers and with online training as necessary.
Working and caring for me, my carer/helpers have the opportunity to:
Job Description
As well as providing personal care (e.g. washing, dressing, carrying out physio, etc), my carers prepare meals, assist me with office administration and ensure the house is clean. If necessary, my carers must be prepared to work on their own, if for example another carer is ill or on leave. They must also be willing to learn necessary nursing procedures.
For more detail see the Job Description page.
More Information
In the past, my carers have worked and cared for me for 12 months* (sometimes 6 or 18) as part of their GAP year experiences! They then gain healthcare experience prior to moving on to study to become nurses, doctors, physios, even midwives, dentists, chiropractors, etc. However, people with other ambitions, e.g. to become scientists, teachers, managers, journalists, psychologists, etc, have enjoyed this rewarding (and challenging) experience.
Pre-BREXIT my carers were Danish high school graduates. Universities and colleges in Denmark upgrade school examination results where students have worked in healthcare during their GAP year.
Additional Opportunity
Please note, if I am unable to employ an applicant, then I give the applicant the opportunity for me to pass on their information to other dependent disabled people who employ live-in carers. I will only do this with the applicants express permission. These dependent disabled people form an informal group, which I have referred to as 'Carersearch' for the last 31 years.
Email NOW# for an Information Pack which includes an Application Form to:
Please attach your CV. If you don’t have one, please tell me a little about yourself including age, current employment, mobile number and ambitions.
* other dates/periods e.g. 6/7 months, may be possible, starting in July or January.